Repeat every time you add papers to sources folder. Add sources to Mendeley by opening dropdown on Add Files and selecting Add Folder., select sources folder.Create folder in My Library for your thesis and name it thesis_refs.
Download and install Mendeley desktop client. It's basically better than RefWorks in every way and doesn't need TUT IP address. I highly recommend Mendeley for handling all your sources and generating the bibliography. When changing only Tex file contents just run Quickbuild (F1) Using Mendeley for Bibliography On the first time and every time bibliography or citations change run LuaLaTex (F2), Biber (Shift+Alt+F1) and Quick build (F1) Find LuaLaTex, click Shortcut and press F2. Options -> Configure Texmaker -> Shortcuts. User -> User Commands -> Edit User Commands. Options -> Configure Texmaker -> Quick Build. Use LuaLaTex and View PDF for Quick build Install MacTex (it should also contain BibLaTex and Biber). MikTex will propt you to install several packages during the first run, just accept everything and don't ask questions. Install biblatex and mixtex-biber-bin packages with MixTeX Package Manager if not already installed.